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Our Covenant 

All residents must follow LL/SL TOS in addition to the Mysterious Estates Covenant.

Our homes are for residential use only. 

★ Tier / Payments ★

– Rent is due weekly; all properties are subject to an initial one week rental term at minimum.

– To pay: right-click to pay the CasperLet Rental System (mailbox) at the Vista Verde Bank

– If you do not intend to stay any longer, please remove all your belongings, then press your letterbox -> won’t renew.



★ Late Rent, Refunds & Lease Termination ★

– If you are running late on rent and need an extension, please contact management BEFORE your timer expires. Otherwise after 1 week of non-payment, we will contact you and if we do not hear from you within a couple of days, we will terminate your lease.

– Refunds will only be issued in the case of an estate closure.

– Management may terminate your lease at any time if any of the rules outlined in the covenant or LL / SL TOS are broken.

★ Current Issues ★

– COVID19 ~ If you are having difficulties paying your tier in these struggling times, please let us know. We will try our best to assist you.

– Sometimes the letterbox might say locked or available when its rented, if this happens please let us know.

★ Prim Counter ★
– If you go over your prim limit, you will get a warning from our system and staff.

– If you continue to go over your prim limit, regardless of warnings, your lease will be subject to termination.

★ Rezzing ★

– You must be wearing our “Vista Verde Resident” group to rez.

– Please keep in mind; you are responsible for any items rezzed by you or your guest.

– Please refrain from rezzing on other tenant’s parcels or in community areas.

– Unattended or unauthorized items will be returned immediately without warning.

– At the end of your lease, you will be automatically removed from the land group.

★ Security ★

Your Security Orb will be given by Bryson Capalini 


- Each tenant simply rezzes their orb, and adds a list of their friends' names to a notecard inside.


- Anyone not named in the notecard who enters their rental will be asked to leave, and (if they don't) ejected and banned.


- You can switch the orb on and off simply by clicking it.


★ Stream ★

– You can change your parcel stream while wearing our group tag.

– All you need to do is to stand inside of your home. Look at the very top of your viewer and select World/Parcel Details/Sound tab, then type in the URL.

– Please keep in mind you must only do this while inside of your home, please do not change the public stream.

★ Not Allowed ★


- Sky Boxes 

– Ban lines: Please use our security orbs instead.

– Personal security orbs.

– Terraforming.

– Removal of landscaping (please contact management if landscaping is inflicting your parcel)

– No Breedable


= Pets are allowed as far as 2.

– Abuse, griefing, and bullying will not be tolerated within our estate. You/tenants/visitors will be given one warning from management before being ejected and banned from all Mysterious Paradise Estates.

– No privacy walls or fences  

★ Neighbors & Community Areas ★

All areas outside of private parcels are considered community areas. The areas surrounding your parcel have been beautifully landscaped to match the theme of your estate. We encourage residents to explore these public spaces and enjoy our many amenities.

– You must respect your neighbors’ privacy by not entering other tenants’ homes without consent.

– Unauthorized entry to another parcel will result in a warning.

– Please share public amenities they are here for you and your guest to enjoy.


★ Benefits ★

– Refer a friend that pays for at least 1-week rent and receive $150L

– Each home is parceled with its very own security orb.


- Homes are private where avatar can not be seen or heard from out side your parcel area. 


- Live performances at Madura Lounge, Casta Way 


-Kids Play Ground


- Community Picnic Area


- Skate Rink at Cascade


- Bowling Alley


- Marathon Harvest 


-Off Sim Jet Ski


- Complimentary Car to ride around town 


- Trolley to travel the Sim 


- BeYou Market 


- Sports Bar


- Shopping 


- Elite Fitness Gym with Zumba Classes

★ Notes ★

– If parts of the sim aren’t loading first try right-clicking on it, if this does not work, set your Objects LOD to 4.0 in Preferences > Graphics > General.

★ Support ★

- We appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have to improve our services.

- Please email or feel free to Contact:


- Bryson Capalini,


-  mzdelite resident  


- llsaucyll resident

★ And finally ★

Thank you for taking the time to read our covenant and rules

We hope you enjoy your stay and if you’re successful in recommending a friend who has decided and started to pay rent, there will be a nice surprise for you!

Kind regards,

Vista Verde Community  Management





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